Monday, March 22, 2010

Survey Says....

I chose to do my survey about movies. The questions covered the types of movies people enjoy, which types of settings they enjoy them in, and whom their favorite actor/actress is. The survey asked only 3 questions and was very to the point. Creating this survey taught me that this particular Google tool could be very useful in helping children convey what they have learned and share that information with fellow classmates. Children and adults can create surveys for any purpose or topic imaginable and these surveys can be as little or as long as needed.

Only 4 people answered my questionnaire which is very disappointing considering the fact that I made sure to answer every survey posted by my classmates. The first question in the survey was, "What is your favorite type of movie?" which was answered with the following categories: comedy, thriller, romantic and The Notebook? Looks like we have a teacher who didn't read ALL the directions. lol. The second question asked how movie viewers would rather experience their movies. The options were in the theater, purchase a film to watch at home, or renting a movie to view and take back later. Three answers went for the theater; the other preferred renting. The last question asked whom was the surveyor's favorite actor or actress. The answers were Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Sandra Bullock, and Kate Hudson.

This exercise was very beneficial to me. I think that it showed that there are so many ways to use these questionnaires in classrooms. A teacher could give a test, ask students to create their own test or a sample test question, or encorage students to show their creativity buy making a survey after having read a book. I hope to use tools such as this in my classroom to keep things new and exciting for my students so that they aren't easily bored with traditional methods of learning.

1 comment:

  1. Kirsti, great post about your survey! It sounds like you created one that proved to be successful. I found that the exercise was very beneficial as well. Your title for the blog is very clever, but you may want to double check your spelling :)
